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Friday, 5 December 2008

Just let them say I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Just a thought. You know those endings on tv shows and movies where the characters never get to say "I love you" and then it's too late and then they'll never see the love of their lives again and they never got to say they loved them???

I HATE THAT!!!!!!!

Why do they torture the audience like that? Hello? We KNOW already that this person is going to be separated from their beloved forever anyway (whether by death, or being stuck in parallel universe....whatever), why can't they just say "I LOVE YOU" ONE LAST TIME?????!!!

grrrrrr to hollywood and the BBC and whoever else makes movies and tv shows but isn't represented by some big name like "hollywood" or "the BBC"!!!!!

Just let them say it, darn it!!!!

ahhh! you disgust me......


fatman_bob said...

Is this a not too subtle dig about the resolution of the Doctor and Rose?

If so don't worry too much, just keep watching until you're completely up to date :P

Courtesy your friendly neighborhood Dr Who geek.

rosie said...

I love you, Rob

Lauren Newman said...

Aww, feel the love :)

I totally feel the same way! Not in a Dr Who kinda way (coz I don't watch it :) but I think for this very reason I don't watch many TV shows!!! I'm scarred!
Love you Rose :)