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Thursday, 30 April 2009

I think prayer DOES work

I had a minor emergency in my finances when I realized that I was $100 off! Pretty much exactly! and not in my favor, either. And well, $100 is a lot, and so I was freaking out, wondering where I (or the bank......) had made this mistake and how, because I am usually so good at adding EVERYTHING in, and I was going through all my records and bank statements, checking everything off. So this morning I got my brother Dave to help with going through and actually adding and subtracting it all on a calculator, and we found the mistake!!!! The $100 mistake!!! It was back in January. Too bad I made the mistake so now I am $100 down from where I thought I was, but seriously, I am so glad it's taken care of! I feel like the woman who found the lost coin! I just want to call all my friends and have a party. Yes, that feeling will probably fade in an hour or so.......

....but I found it! I found it! I found it!


1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I had almost that exact thing happen to me a few years ago, but I went into the bank and they helped me find it, not my little brother. : )