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Friday, 19 June 2009

Joseph and peace and rest

Whenever I read about Joseph in the Bible --which is quite often, as he is my Biblical crush! Don't have one? Well, you should!-- I am always fascinated by the favor he had with God. It always says "the Lord was with Joseph" and God goes crazy blessing people because they come into contact with Joseph. I have always wanted that for me! I want to be a blessing to others as Joseph was! I envy Joseph his favor with God. And yet, maybe I don't.

Okay, so I still do, but let me explain. Just because he had God with him didn't mean his life was going right or that he was at peace. God was with him as he worked for Potiphar and then something really terrible and awkward and peace-destroying happened: Potiphar's wife wanted Joseph! You know the story, and Joseph ended up in prison. Joseph was probably enjoying his life working for Potiphar, and then Potiphar's wife had to go and ruin it! But God was still with him, and had it all planned. I guess it just comes as a shock how God worked in Joseph's case. He was totally with him, but life was far from perfect.

He was probably seriously teaching Joseph some "find your peace and rest in ME alone" lessons. Those suck.

And what did we learn from this thought process? God is crazy? Yes! So..... Trust Him with your life.

1 comment:

Frances McLaren said...

I MISS YOU ROSIE!!! And I love your thought processes!