Life is so much fun when you have pink pencils to write with! I love using pencils because I feel like I am accomplishing more work. And I love sharpening pencils every few minutes. And I think that your writing utensils can "make or break" your writing, and also spark the imagination. Does anyone agree? Now all I need are some pink notebooks....
Twisted Pink nail polish. I cannot even tell you how much wearing pink nail polish makes me feel so beautiful. I am so serious. (this pic doesn't do the color justice. It is WAY more pink than this! And a little sparkly too!)

Focus. A few months ago, I discovered vitamin water, and as it is a bit healthier than pop, I decided to switch over! I love vitamin water! And although, Focus (Kiwi-Strawberry) isn't my favorite flavor, it IS my favorite color. There's something about drinking pink!
And....I have no picture but pretty soon I am going to sew myself a girly pink bag! I'm thinking either princesses or Barbie. I know you are excited to see this, Rebekah!
that was fun

You painted my nails bright pink once. I'm not sure I felt beautiful but it was rather liberating, even though I did have to walk to a prayer room the next day...
i love you, Rob. I am laughing so hard right now! I remember this!
Remember when Lorelai and Luke are at Rory's 21st birthday party towards the end of Lorelai and Rory's seperation and they taste her signature cocktail and Luke says, "It tasted pink" also, I love vitamin water and missed it very much while in the UK. My favorite is the red one with dragon fruit, Power C maybe? And I love your pink polish, it totally looks like you!
: )
I love pink too!!! It's been my favourite colour for years :)
I once painted Mick's toe nails pink in Egham...freaked a fair few people out :D...good times!
Rob, I'm sure you would've looked beautiful...in a manly kinda way :)
rosie! i like this.
also, i miss you! i'll be going to marquette for a week or two sooon :)
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