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Thursday, 3 September 2009

day off

Today was my first real day off in a while. I have been working a lot lately (and yes, I am very thankful!), and I've just been really tired. So yesterday afternoon, as soon as I got off work, my freedom began! Yesterday it was hard to celebrate by doing anything because I was so tired my eyes were crossing as I tried to read Bleak House. Not fun. But then I woke up a bit, and started sewing and, thanks to my little tv and dvd player being very easy to move around, watching "Sabrina", the one with Harrison Ford and Greg Kinnear. I think it is one of the best movies ever made. Ever.

This morning, an entire day before me, I started off with an episode of The Office, then I sewed and listened to a Johnny Cash cd from the library. Very interesting. I liked it. I finished the bag I started last night. Very cute, and it's recycled. It used to be a skirt. I'm very proud of this bag. Now I am going to use it and see if I get any comments like I did on my first one. Everyone loves that one. But I know this second one isn't as cool. Still, it's all right. While I sewed this, and after the Johnny Cash cd, I watched "Clue", also one of my favourites.

I then went into town to hang out with Holly. We ate at a little cafe, and then watched a murder mystery. We love these, especially Midsomer Murders, or any other British shows. We always make guesses as to who the killer is. During the beginning of the show, these guesses will change at every scene because everyone looks suspicious! But eventually we narrow it down. This time we were right!

I then came home and watched another epsiode of The Office, and then started sewing on another project (this bag actually already has a buyer- I am going to sell a bag! Which I think is very neat) while I watched "The Goonies", also one of the best movies ever made.

This day has been about sewing and movies. And resting. Very good day. Maybe I'll get some pics up of that bag eventually.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

please do! (post some pictures) And I'm glad you had a good day off! Sounds lovely.