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Friday, 9 October 2009

Truth Project

For the past 12 weeks I was a part of a small group watching and discussing the Truth Project, a dvd series from Focus on the Family, designed to basically awaken hearts to the truth of God.

From the very first week, it was amazing, sometimes very NEW stuff, from my own personal perspective. Each lesson gave me something to think about. The first week they talked about where "truth" is found in the Bible and how very important it is; how Jesus said He IS the Truth, and He came to testify to the Truth, and "the Truth will set you free", those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth, the belt of truth, the Spirit of truth, the Word of Truth, God is the Father of Truth, and so on.

And also, Satan is the father of lies. And of course you always hear that, but what is it about certain things- that you can hear something your whole life and it never means much to you, and then suddenly, the 53rd time you hear it, something clicks, a light goes on, and you just GET it? THAT could describe my "journey" through the Truth Project. It was eye-opening stuff. And sometimes, I wanted to close my eyes. It was both exciting and sobering.

A few more things:

We talked about the mystical union, "Christ in you, the hope of glory" and how the Holy Spirit dwells in us. And I have heard this and read this several times, of course. And I believe it. But when they showed a diagram, just a picture of a circle, and inside was written "Father-Son- Holy Spirit", and then the teacher added "you" (me!) right in there, right alongside the Holy Spirit and connected it with the Father and Son, as well-- it CLICKED! God wants us to be a part of Himself, like that! It seems wrong to say, but that is what it's like! We are a part of God? This is too wonderful for me to understand!

God is interested in ONE-ness. That was what Jesus's prayer in John 17 was all about, and that's why God said the Israelites were prostituting themselves, because He wants deep intimacy with us, and if we go after other things or people for that special initmacy we can only get from God and with Him, we ARE like prostitutes. I don't know WHY, but these things have never hit home with me.

Also, that God is humble. I know, I know, it's so obvious, but sorry! He commands us to be holy because He is holy, and He says over and over, He gives grace to the humble, lifts them up, exalts them, but He brings low the proud, and know sthe proud from afar, and all that. And He even says He is lowly and humble in heart, but He is humble?! Like, crazy to think about. And I know He wants me to be humble. It's a process.

We talked about history, and that was a sobering one. I love history, but I wonder how much of the history I have learned and studied has been the truth? Because the history books lie. All the time. And whoever writes the history books controls what we think about history, obviously, which affects our decisions in the present, which affects our future and the future of the world. There are so many lies out there!

It was cool to rediscover some facts about the beginnings on the United States.

"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed.. .No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people." --Noah Webster

My list of books to read is about a foot in length! And I want to find a biography on Noah Webster. He sounds pretty cool.


Bethany said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! And that God taught you and grew you through it. This was a good post. 5 stars!

Lauren Newman said...

Rosie, this is so good to read! I so get what you mean with the hearing things a million times, then the penny dropping...
And a new blog name too! Nice :D
Dude, I wish I was a millionare so I could come & have coffee with you & catch up! Maybe a few days worth of coffees ;)

rosie said...

Ahh! thank you,Bethany and Lauren!

I wish you were a millionaire too, for that very reason,Lauren!

Rebekah said...

I've been toying with the idea of digging more into the word. (I know what you're thinking, stop toying with it and just do it!) Well, this post has been added inspiration!