Christmas season is over, and I must say I am glad. It flew by too quickly for me (I didn't even get to watch It's A Wonderful Life!) because of work. I am very thankful to have a job, but I am just so glad that my hours will be decreasing. I will have time for a life again! I will get back into reading and studying and being self-disciplined. (Although, I guess if I can't make myself read and study the things I am interested in in the hard times, then I am not truly self-disciplined, am I?)
The gifts I received this Christmas all had one major theme: TEA! I received four different kinds of tea, a tea pot, a thermos, and a mug. I love tea, so this was very cool! I also received hair product, lotion, a beautiful little notebook (which I mention because it reminds me of Rebekah- SO her style!), a fleece pullover, AND a $20 family video gift card! This last is especially brilliant because now for a couple months I don't have to pay for the movies I rent! Yay! Super duper yay! Double tap!
Also, on Christmas day, I got two fabulous treats: a day at the movies, with the whole family to see Sherlock Holmes, and a skype chat with Rob! These things made my day! Sherlock Holmes was better than I thought it would be, really, and the music and good looking actors were my favorite. And when Rob called on skype, I was so excited and we chatted and gossiped for almost an hour. (Ok, we didn't really gossip. But we did chat, like old times.) It was good, it was fun. It was good fun.
Alright - cross blog mention! Incidentally I'm leaving behind LiveJournal for Tumblr, where I post extremely sporadically. But since you're one of the few people who actually reads and even comments on my blog I thought I'd let you know :)
Twas most excellent chatting to you, I'll catch you around sometime
just wanted to say... double tap!!!
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