I mean, I love the quotes from Sabrina, but I need to post something else!
So here's something! On June 5th, Rebekah Anderson came for a visit for an entire week! It was so lovely to spend time with her, as I only get to see her once a year or so. Maybe someday I'll live in the UK (and she'll live in Ireland, of course) and we'll see a lot more of each other. Who knows what may happen? But I won't worry about the future. Whatever will be, will be......
Our activities included watching movies, touring ghost towns, eating delicious food, laughing, and forming a band on Rock Band called Rabbit Trails. We played LOTS of Rock Band, and earned a van, a tour bus, bodyguards, a private jet, and lots of money so we could get awesome outfits and treat ourselves to sweet guitars! And we were so close to getting into the Hall of Fame when we had to leave to get her to the airport.
I had an amazing time! It was a lovely vacation. Or "stay-cation".
sucking elf! it was a lovely time!!!
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