Some fantastic fabric I found! I love finding cheap bits of fabric at Goodwill! Sometimes they can be real treasures! This one just struck me as awesome, so we'll see how it turns out and what I make of it...

I absolutely LOVE these salt and pepper shakers! Even if I don't use them for a long time (when I move out! haha) I had to get them, they were totally rad!

I hit the zipper jackpot! I found 20 zippers for 25 cents each! I spent $5, and you can't even buy 4 zippers for that much at Walmart or anywhere else. I am pretty much set for life. Well, not really, but for a very long time.

Naturally, we had to visit the weird store in Escanaba, where I found PG tips, and I had to buy some. This will last me til at least spring. Yesterday was a good day.
yeah!!! when you come we will definitely go charity shop shopping and find treasures together!
Yay! Sounds wonderful!
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