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Friday, 3 December 2010

work work work

Ignore this post if you like, but it is going to be whining. I am tired of working! I wonder if it is possible to get a job you love and where you very rarely complain because you really, really LOVE it? I doubt it is. I really do. I'm thinking of my dream job (one that is away from rude customers who treat people like dirt or machines or brainless objects), and I think I would even get tired of that. So yeah, work sucks. But we have to do it. It is a part of life. And it IS good for us to work; God said so. And then we rest, too. And that is really nice.

So I should stop complaining. Complaining never accomplished anything good. In fact, in Numbers 11:1, it had the very opposite effect. Sometimes I am reminded of this verse when I complain. I usually don't shut up, but I should.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I've been wishing that I didn't have to find a job while I'm studying... I've been loving the rhythm of my life these last few months and I know that when I eventually find a job it will all change and I'll have to be really good at time management in order to keep up with all my school work, etc. But I will be thankful for the £££'s
So, yeah, I hear ya!